Discord Community?
Collect email addresses, manage access, and more. For free.

With so much more to come. 👌

Get Started With OneCrew
OneCrew Discord Manager Dashboard


What OneCrew is now, and what it will be next.

  • Gate Signup ✅

    Allow users to join your Discord directly through your OneCrew link.

  • Vanity URL ✅

    Define your own join url to use instead of the Discord id.

  • Collect Email on Signup ✅

    Automatically collcet the users Discord email address when signing up.

  • Export to CSV ✅

    Export collected users to CSV for use in external apps.

  • Add Age Gating ✅

    Not all communities are for everyone. Allow communities to require users be over 18 or 21 as needed.li

  • Collect additional user info ✅

    In addition to email and age, collect a user's name & phone number.

  • Integrate with SendFox ✅

    Automatically add new Discord users to your SendFox mailing list.

  • Integrate with Mailchimp

    Automatically add new Discord users to your Mailchimp mailing list.

  • Setup Paid Communities

    Accept one-time or monthly payments for access to your Discord, with payments handled by Stripe.

  • Integrate with Patreon

    Allow community gating so that only your Patrons can access your Discord, or specific channels.

  • Integrate with Ghost

    Allow community gating so that only your Ghost subscribers can access your Discord, or specific channels.

  • Integrate with ConvertKit

    Automatically add new Discord users to ConvertKit.

  • Mailing List Monitoring

    Optional ability to automatically remove users from Discord when unsubscribe from mailing list.

Long Term:
  • Add Webhooks

    Adding webhooks will allow OneCrew to integrate with a variety of services

  • Integrate with Substack

    Substack does not have an API, as such this involves significantly more development to add than other services.

  • Integrate with Floatplane

    Floatplane does not have an API, as such this involves significantly more development to add than other services.

  • Add Zapier Support

    Creating an official Zapier app will allow direct integration with 1000's of other tools.

Lots of other things that are too small for roadmap items are coming too, like add-to-channel, role selection & assignemnt, emotes, and so on.


Less "frequently asked questions" and more "things we think you might need/want to know".


Because OneCrew is free.


Eventually some features may be added that will necessitate a cost, but the majority of what OneCrew offers, and all of what it currently offers, is expected to always be free.


Presently OneCrew integrates with SendFox. We'll be adding Mailchimp soon, and some time ConverKit after that.

OneCrew is very much a work-in-progress. We'd love to have you on board. Early users will help guide the project, and have a huge impact on what gets built and what OneCrew becomes.

Get Started. Free.